Anatomy of Change Lectures

Anatomy of Change: Understand the Drivers of Change to Create the Change You Want

Materials | Venue: BMCC

Over the millennia, the ancient Chinese had observed and documented a finite number of recurrent patterns of change in what is now known as the Book of Changes, or the I Ching. Throughout history, this work has been referred to as a book of fundamental principles and wisdom by philosophers and emperors, and more recently, by scientists, mathematicians and businessmen.

In this workshop we’ll explore how the time-tested I Ching system can help us think through the underlying drivers of change in a situation at hand, determine what is in our control and what is not and how to create the change we ultimately want. The materials for this workshop will leverage the instructor’s recently published book Anatomy of Change. Millennia Old Model For Navigating Change and Uncertainty.

Anatomy of Change: Engaging Subtle Energies of the Mind

Materials | Venue: CHIS, Subtle Energies Conference

The I Ching or the Book of Changes, the oldest of the Chinese Classics, has been considered the book of fundamental principles by philosophers and mystics and, more recently, by scientists and mathematicians. The enduring relevance of this work can be attributed to its ability to provide a balanced perspective in dealing with change and uncertainty by appealing to both the mythos and logos aspects of our consciousness.

Rooted in binary logic of Yin and Yang, at its core the I Ching is a universal model designed to represent the dynamics of change with mathematical precision. We’ll explore how the I Ching based model can help us think through the drivers of change in a particular situation and influence the desired outcome. Materials are based on the exploratory study on practical applications of the I Ching during dissertation work at CIHS and a recently published book Anatomy of Change.

Navigating Change and Uncertainty with the I Ching workshop

MaterialsVideo | Venue: BMCC

Change and the uncertainty about what it brings have been unavoidable aspects of life since the beginning of time. Despite modern advances in technology, the ability to navigate change and deal with uncertainty in both professional and personal life remains as much an art as it is a science.

Over the millennia, the ancient Chinese had observed and documented a finite number of recurrent patterns of change in what is now known as the Book of Changes, or the I Ching. Throughout history, this work has been referred to as a book of fundamental principles and wisdom by philosophers and emperors, and more recently, by scientists, mathematicians and businessmen.

Empirical studies had demonstrated that the time-tested method of self-reflection and perception of reality based on the I Ching is very effective in stimulating intuition and creativity by helping illuminate the intangible and often invisible factors in decision making processes. Carl Jung, for example, referred to the I Ching as “an intuitive technique for grasping the total situation,” a key skill in navigating change and uncertainty. This workshop will serve as high-level introduction to the I Ching and the basic methods for consulting it.

The Sixth Sense in Business Decision Making workshop

Materials | Venues: Wharton School, Penn Club of NY, FIU, CIHS

Formal methods of business analysis and decision making are heavily analytical in nature, while approaches based on personal intuition and creativity are often ignored. Yet, research indicates that employees with a dominant analytical side are more likely to end up in staff positions, while intuitive and creative thinkers generally rise to managerial and executive roles. Not only does intuition matter, it may be one of the key ingredients for success.

The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is considered the oldest of the Chinese classics and throughout history has been referred to as a book of fundamental principles and wisdom by philosophers, politicians, emperors, mystics, and more recently by scientists, mathematicians and businessmen. The book consists of 64 chapters, which serve as a catalog of recurrent life patterns and their interdependencies. Because it is a structure of structures, the design of the I Ching can generate analytic systems of potentially infinite complexity and variety and can be applied to any conceivable realm or situation.

Empirical studies show that the time-tested method of self-reflection and perception of reality based on the I Ching is very effective in stimulating intuition and creativity by helping illuminate the intangible and often invisible factors in business analysis and decision making processes.


The structured and time-tested approach to intuitive analysis based on the I Ching can be a valuable tool to help navigate the constantly changing and uncertain business landscape. This workshop will focus on how to:

  • Identify limitations of the quantitative methods and added value of the intuitive approaches
  • Experiment with the millennia old Chinese system for engaging your intuitive mind & inner wisdom
  • Understand the cause & effect dynamics of a situation
  • Detect early patterns of change & foresee possible outcomes
  • Perform inner inventory of your mental state and resources when dealing with challenges
  • Learn to keep balance and inner strength in changing & turbulent times